

The concept of "higher souls"

The concept of “higher souls” is not a universally recognized or defined term in mainstream psychology or science. However, in various spiritual and philosophical traditions, the idea of higher souls or enlightened beings often refers to individuals who have achieved a higher level of spiritual awareness, wisdom, and consciousness.

Identifying higher souls is typically believed to require a deep level of intuition, spiritual insight, and experience. Here are some common characteristics and signs that are often associated with higher souls in spiritual and philosophical traditions:

Wisdom and Compassion: Higher souls are believed to possess profound wisdom, compassion, and understanding. They are often selfless and dedicated to helping others.
Peace and Serenity: Higher souls are said to radiate a sense of peace, serenity, and calmness. They are not easily swayed by the ups and downs of life.
Humility and Empathy: Higher souls are often humble and empathetic. They are able to connect with others on a deep level and understand their struggles.

Clarity and Purpose: Higher souls have a clear sense of purpose and direction in life. They are focused on spiritual growth and self-improvement.
Positive Influence: Higher souls are believed to have a positive influence on those around them. They inspire others to be better and to strive for personal growth.
Unconditional Love: Higher souls are said to embody unconditional love and acceptance. They do not judge others and treat everyone with kindness and respect.
Intuitive and Perceptive: Higher souls are often highly intuitive and perceptive. They can see beyond the surface and understand the deeper truths of life.
Spiritual Practices: Higher souls may engage in spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, and mindfulness to deepen their connection to the divine and expand their consciousness.
It’s important to note that the concept of higher souls is subjective and varies across different belief systems and cultures. Ultimately, identifying a higher soul is a personal and spiritual journey that may not have a definitive or universally applicable set of criteria. It often involves introspection, intuition, and a deep understanding of spiritual principles.


The concept of a hierarchy of soul evolution or the idea of some souls being “higher” or more evolved than others is a belief found in various spiritual and philosophical traditions. It’s important to note that these beliefs are not universally accepted and can vary greatly depending on the specific belief system or philosophy.

If you are interested in exploring this concept further and understanding where you might stand in this hierarchy (if you believe in such a concept), here are a few general points to consider:

Self-Reflection: Reflect on your own thoughts, actions, and behaviors. Consider whether you consistently demonstrate qualities such as compassion, empathy, kindness, integrity, and wisdom. Reflecting on your own behavior and values can give you some insight into where you might stand in terms of soul evolution.
Seek Guidance: If you follow a particular spiritual or religious tradition that discusses the concept of soul evolution, you may seek guidance from spiritual teachers, mentors, or counselors within that tradition. They may be able to provide insights based on their understanding of the teachings.
Practice Mindfulness: Engage in practices such as meditation, mindfulness, or introspection to become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Developing self-awareness can help you better understand your own spiritual growth and evolution.
Study Spiritual Texts: Explore the teachings of various spiritual traditions that discuss the concept of soul evolution. Reading and studying these texts can help you gain a deeper understanding of the qualities and characteristics associated with higher levels of spiritual evolution.
Engage in Service: Engaging in acts of service, kindness, and compassion can help you cultivate qualities associated with higher levels of soul evolution. Helping others and contributing positively to the world around you can be a powerful way to grow spiritually.
Practice Gratitude: Cultivating a sense of gratitude for the blessings in your life can help you develop a more positive and compassionate outlook. Gratitude is often seen as a key quality associated with spiritual growth.
Remember that the concept of soul evolution and any associated hierarchy is a complex and deeply personal belief system. It’s important to approach these ideas with an open mind and to focus on your own personal growth and development rather than comparing yourself to others. Ultimately, the journey of spiritual growth is unique to each individual, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to understanding or measuring soul evolution.

The signs that indicate the soul of anyone has reached its highest level of awakening are as follows:

The enlightened person:

(1) submits to the present moment without memories of the past and worries of the future with the feelings of gratefulness for God almighty.
(2) keeps the consciousness beyond the body-mind-complex by Considering him/herself as the spirit beyond cast, creed, gender, age, religion, colour, race and nationality.
(3) avoids to react when interacting with the people. Thus Never ever get engaged in gossips or debates.
(4) forgets the good done by him/her to others and forgiving others for their misbehaviour.
(5) becomes desireless and accepts blissfully whatever is offered by the LIFE. Thus remains unperturbed in both the Gains and pains.
(6) Nurtures non-attachment to things and people. At the same time loving them unconditionally with the feelings of ONENESS.
(7) comes out of any belief-system. That means he/she doesn’t fall prey to any cult, guru, ideology, agenda organisation etc.
(8) balances the mind with the heart, i.e. feels logically and thinks lovingly.
(9) Perceives positive aspect of every event by holding that the bad is in the service of the good.
.(10) Never hurts anyone by thoughts, words and deeds. Likewise never gets excited by the misbehaviour of the others.

These characters have been described in the SHRIMAD BHAGWAD GITA as signs of a STHIT-PRAGYA. (स्थित -प्रज्ञ)*

*one who has transcended the mind.

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